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Sometime in '22

After listening to an interview discussing the importance of lung capacity regarding longevity and seeing all the covid risk studies regarding complications due to central obesity, I decided to get cardio equipment for the home.  Since the wife wasn’t buying claims that my pants are getting smaller it was time to make a move.  She runs 4-8 miles per day at the gym, whereas I know everybody’s name.

My New Year’s goal was different this year.  It’s not abs.  I’m 53 in January.  No, it’s applying wisdom.  I’ve decided that the greatest wisdom I could give anyone from my advancing experience is:  Let it go.  Of course, I’ll fail, but good luck to you.  Man, do I fail, but the insomnia is fantastic.

It’s particularly difficult in today’s normal as research on social media impact is pretty alarming.  15-20% of us experience paranoid thinking now. 

What did you just think?

Social media.  We take life’s real moments and present them for an audience causing adults to live like attention seeking teenagers.  While a recent survey found 75% of our kids want to be YouTube famous.  Our kids watch the most worthless things people have to offer while China limits their kids TikTok exposure to science and patriotic shorts.  Phhht.

A generation that got to witness people standing strong, showing their virtue fighting bravely to protect the rights of people that have the exact same rights as they do plus a few more scholarships when what they should have been doing is tutoring and big brothering.  Surface versus substance.

Fortunately, quite a few agreed the thing to do was to just lower standards and then things will be equal.  Makes sense because obviously there is no tomorrow or rather, the future is going to be a nightmare.

A new study I read from Inc. magazine suggests an optimistic mindset can add 12 years to your life.  In that light, if I say something that touches a nerve . . . let it go.  It’s okay to hear things that challenge your assumptions (fears).  Your assumptions might change.  I’m optimistic that they won’t . . . see, I’m trying, but it’s becoming evident that animal-based protein diets shorten lives.  So, what’s the point?  I’m ******, that’s the point. 

Actually, the data is mixed on the diet thing but you can be sure, the average avocado farm kills 3000 ground squirrels per year.  Kismet?

Of course, I don’t want to come off like a proctologist that hates gloves because they interfere with sensitivity, but either way, sometimes you just have to roll up your sleeves and get to work.  Hopefully, we can shake hands after.   And certainly, keep in mind these are the meandering observations of a kid raised Catholic that was sometimes embarrassed to go to the bathroom because, you know, God and Santa were watching.  I was 23 . . . I mean, I was 6.  No, I didn’t pray to Santa.  I did ask him for an Atari game console. 

I referenced wisdom because I’m at or even past the age of mid-life crisis.  I’ve been humbled enough over time to realize sometimes I can be wrong.  Let it go.  In the meantime, triggers of male pattern inadequacy could stem from recognition of mortality, a younger female smiled at you, not being where you saw yourself being at a certain point . . .  Not becoming the Cowboy or astronaut. 

Isn’t that what we stereotype little boys as wanting to become?  Well, we used to, I’m not sure you’re allowed to stereotype males as being cowboys or even as males today, but, whatever.  I suspect it’s hard to be happy when you’re rewarded for being inauthentic.  Wisdom,  I’m just saying, keep your eyes on the kid that says “proctologist”.

You give the cowboy kid a hat or boots for Christmas.  Easy ideas, but what do you get the Proctologist?  I say something to ease him in a different direction like Taco Bell, a history of Cholera text, and a Jr. membership to the Plumber’s union.

But the mid-life crisis of a Proctologist has to be a different animal.  “Sure, I’ve made the money, but it’s still hard to get dates after I tell them what I focus on all day.  I’m sick of the same people coming in 15 times per year with their own gel for no reason that I can determine.  I’m up to my elbows every day in . . . Medicare challenges.”

Proctologist is an honorable profession.  It’s just kind of . . . specific.  Plenty of time and money to golf.   Play for a non-work-related hole-in-one so-to-speak. 

You would have to ask yourself if you gave the kid a name that influenced his career choice.  I think I’ll leave those Ideas to you and change the subject.

I told the following to a fellow cardio-hater at the gym and in response he said, “you know you just blew my mind for the rest of the day”.  . . . your risk of death goes down more with exercise than it goes up with diabetes or smoking.  That’s per Peter Attia.  Further, the most fit people have a 5 fold decrease in all-cause mortality, and a 3 fold drop in mortality with simple strength metrics like grip and how fast can you sit to stand 5 times.  There’s no drug for that.  Think about it.  Working it backwards:  Then what’s the best drug for health?

You have nearly double the risk of hospitalization if you drink 3+ sugary drinks per day from viral infection and the same if you sleep less than 7 hours.  How much impact would that have had on hospital rooms if they pushed, “you can’t drink pop through a mask”.  Fruit juices are sugary. 

What we got:  Just make sure you wear a mask the first 15 feet you walk into a restaurant.  You’re good after that.  No politics involved.  Large Coke, dessert.  Get boosted five times.

I almost hate to make nutritional suggestions because there’s a drug-like implication that there’s some magical way to be healthy and still live off Quick Trip.  That being said, Berberine has impressive blood sugar benefits. 

If you remember, back in 2004 things were ugly, not today kind of ugly because social media algorithms hadn’t yet figured out sending negative headlines from like-minded sources can make us crazy and more likely to soak up more time online.  Anyway, During the run-up to the 2004 presidential election, while undergoing an fMRI bran scan, 30 men--half self-described as "strong" Republicans and half as "strong" Democrats--were tasked with assessing statements by both George W. Bush and John Kerry in which the candidates clearly contradicted themselves. Not surprisingly, in their assessments Republican subjects were as critical of Kerry as Democratic subjects were of Bush.

“When viewing their favorite candidate, all showed increased activity in the region implicated in empathy. And when viewing the opposition, you could see . . . the volunteers were actively attempting to dislike the opposition”.  It doesn’t end there:  the “reason” area of the brain is shut down . . . so if you’re politically partisan . . .  you’re unreasonable.

Science, I hope you believe in it.  I mean, “believe” seems like a strange verb to science, but whatever, that’s so pre-2009

Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History

Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing

WASHINGTON – American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. and its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc. (hereinafter together "Pfizer") have agreed to pay $2.3 billion, the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice . . . it went on to say, Iowa State Sucks.

Now, that’s not a slight against Pfizer’s ethically challenged behavior, but I suspect they were right about ISU. 

Drug companies.  I’m reading about the Sackler family thanks to my oldest daughter so I’m reflective on the shenanigan’s of the power these companies wield . . . just remember, drugs aren’t addictive, it’s the patient that has an addiction problem and those addicts are scum.  At least according to Sacklers, but trust drug companies and interventions other than lifestyle. 

I hope you understand that you’d have to change your beliefs a lot if you “believe” in science.  Like, I might believe aspirin prevents heart disease.   We can design a study as to the assumption that it will prevent my heart from exploding when my daughter goes on her first date and see if it’s proven wrong.   Study shows it’s preventative . . . thirty years ago . . . but not today.  Was the science wrong?  Probably not, the testing population got fatter.  Things can change very quickly.  Like, if my daughter told me she’s going on a date.  Exciting . . .  with a guy that’s becoming a proctologist.  **** you science!

By the way, I recommend you watch the gut video on the office Facebook page if you believe in science.  **This wasn’t science when I was in school.  It would have been nonsense because the blood brain barrier protected you and so did the placental barrier and germs are bad.  Science.

I put another video dealing with hormones and plastics on the page.  Sperm counts have decreased 1% per year since ’73.  When a study that got a bit of attention came out, I looked it up and found a piece from Harvard addressing one study.  It was from Harvard so predictably their conclusion was that the study was of course . . . racist.  You see what you’re looking for.  It’s like when Vogue published an editorial shaming the singer Adele for losing weight.  Sometimes “your truth” is just smelling your own flatus.  Haley’s master’s in Neuroscience is from that place so I watch her closely and keep my nostrils on alert.

Let’s shake hands now . . .

There’s an old saying, “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”

I’m sort of a man and I’m certain there are things a man would skip a meal for.  Like, se . . . er, football.

My point is that I can’t think of a single issue that doesn’t have more than one variable and we can’t be afraid to consider the other side might have legitimate concerns.  Talking louder doesn’t make you right.  For example, I AM MORE THAN JUST A DEVASTINGLY HANDSOME STRAIGHT WHITE IOWA FAN THAT LIKES CHICKEN WINGS.  I also like women, football, and food.

Maybe I’m not that complicated.

It’s not anybody’s business, but  I’m a pro-environment conservative that voted Democrat for four consecutive elections because I was sick of wars and fiscal hypocrisy.  It used to be taboo to ask a person who they voted for but today, it’s mandatory so you know whether or not to dismiss someone’s experience you might learn from out of hand.  I always think of the movie “Hotel Rwanda” when I watch CNN in the evening.  It didn’t get much media attention at the time which tells me Rwanda doesn’t produce oil, but nearly a million were killed because two groups shut the reason area of their brains down. 

Health letter, Health letter . . . okay, what’s the most effective way to burn calories?  Probably shivering, so going for a walk at daybreak this time of year (fall/winter) is a great way to burn calories, reduce stress because sunlight and looking over the horizon calms the amygdala, and looking towards the sun helps set your circadian rhythm which helps normalize hormone expression.  Seriously though, Iowa State is the worst.

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